I recently found myself wandering aimlessly in my office, unsure of what to do or what I was “supposed to be doing” during my workday. After several hours of wasting time, I decided to go to the whiteboard wall and work on my business plan.
To me, my business plan is a living entity that is constantly evolving and changing as my company and I grow. It is not static and unchanging or written in stone.
The act of working on my business plan really re-inspired me, gave me focus and purpose. It was such a powerful experience for me that I created this 20-minute Majik Business Planning class and PDF for you to write your own Majik Plan.
I know there are a lot of you who come to Majik Media with an idea or intention, but not much of an actual plan. My hopes are, that with this business planning exercise, you’ll turn your vision into an actionable plan that you can follow all the way to success… whatever success is for you.
Note: Ideally, block off 2-3 hours to do this exercise. I also recommend you have fun doing it. This is your dream business and life you’re creating!
Watch the Video Class