The last thing I want to do in the world is give Mark Zuckerberg $50,000.
So the other day when I was out for a hike, I was questioning – “What else could I do with my $50,000 marketing budget, that not only would raise awareness about our newest business – MAJIK KIDS: Magical Stories for Magical Kids – but at the same time, it would spread joy and positivity to the world…?”
The next question I asked was, “How many books could I give away with that same $50,000 investment in paid ads?”
The answer: A lot!! At least several thousand books!
In my interviews with various Facebunk Ad agencies and marketing-hype-type folks, they figured it may cost me $30-$60 to get a customer.
Well, that’s like TWO book sales. Or 3-months of Majik Kids Club subscriptions.
Given that we have 13+ magical, inspiring and wildly unique audio stories and illustrated books coming out in the next few months that people could buy… and all sorts of other fun things inside our Majik Kids Club…
It seems to be a greater risk to not get these stories into the hands of our audience NOW, than it does flushing $50,000 down the Fartbook toilet hole.
Sure, we may Get a “bigger reach” if going with Palmface, BUT…
1. That money would go to Zuckerturd and his cronies who I don’t align my personal and business values with.
2. I would rather THOUSANDS of families read our stories over the holidays than spend money advertising to the already stressed out & maxed out parents who have SO many demands on them these days. In my heart, I would rather imagine them and their kids curling up for some Majik Kids story time and the joy, connection and happiness that would bring to their family.
3. I believe in our stories. We are doing something so special and unique with our Majik Kids stories. The first seven we are releasing in December have had more than 25 incredible artists contribute to them — writers, illustrators, musicians, voice-actors, designers, editors, producers, builders, creators, techies & me. It’s been the funnest, most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done. It’s pure Majik. I think families will be stoked to have Majik Kids in their hearts & homes… and they will be happy to pay for future books and the Majik Kids Club.
4. I believe in the law of reciprocity. I want to be known as a company who spreads joy generously to the world. I want to build a business that is helping to create the more beautiful world we all know is possible. I want to be known as a person who does what he believes in. I do NOT believe in social media. I do not align with how the main social platforms operate. They are doing more harm than good in the world. It feels out of integrity to spend my money there. I believe in relationships. Real relationships.
5. I’m a rebel with a cause. And if every marketing expert on the internet tells me I need to do social media and pay for ads in order to find our people… then I’m going to do the opposite. I’m going to find a better way that doesn’t require me to engage with these platforms.
So if you’re curious, here is our simple plan…
STEP 1: I have started by reaching out to people, companies and organizations who I love and appreciate. I wrote a nice letter sharing our decision to give books, rather than give our money to the Zuckster, and we’d love to give all the parents & grandparents with kids under 10 a Majik Kids book as a gift of appreciation. So far, the places I’ve reached out to have been really grateful and excited. I’m pumped!
STEP 2: Find more places I’d like to gift our stories to.
STEP 3: Send our books with a cover letter & invitation to enjoy our audio stories & illustrated books, starting on December 11th with our Worldwide Listening Party… and then our 1st feature length audio story “Joy to the World: The Untold Story of Old Saint Nick.” (surprise – Christmas special!)
STEP 4: Come up with more fun ways to generously share joy with the world!
STEP 5: Rinse and repeat.
And that’s my plan. I can’t tell you how good it feels in my chest and mind to know that so many people are going to be reading our stories so soon.
TONIGHT – Right after I’m done writing this post, I am packaging up our first 150 books to be sent to families all over North America. This is way freaking better than the stress of managing Fraudbook Ad campaigns.
I have set aside $20,000 of my $50,000 marketing budget to giving books away to the right people and places. My hopes and dreams are that this experiment is wildly successful and we can keep the good vibes flowing for a long time to come.
Below is the letter and flyer we send with each book.
Well, that’s all folks. If you haven’t signed up for our big MAJIK KIDS Worldwide Listening Party, then you should probably do that by going to