Our Fancy New MAJIK KIDS Business Plan & Why YOU Need a Business Plan Too!

In this excerpt from one of our recent community Majik Minds, I share the business plan for our newest branch of Majik Media: MAJIK KIDS STORIES.

Majik Kids will feature:

  • Entertaining, magical & original audio stories
  • Colourful and imaginative illustrated books
  • A membership with all sorts of fun perks

Here is a link to the business plan featured in the video…

In the process of sharing our Majik Kids business plan, I give you A LOT of good reasons to write your own majik plan!

If you don’t have a business plan written (even if it’s just a couple pages), you are honestly setting yourself up for failure.

By writing a plan, you give your brain a goal and everyday becomes a mission.

Not having a clear plan and understanding of whether you are winning or losing the game, makes it difficult to understand where you are on the journey or what steps to prioritize next.

If you don’t have a business plan, watch/listen to this and then book a 2-3 hour chunk to Write your Majik Business Plan. It’ll change your life, I promise!


What are your top takeaways!? Let me know in the comments of the Youtube video. Let’s get’er done! And remember to subscribe to our Making Majik Podcast & Youtube channel.