In our recent mastermind, I spoke about some massive opportunities that are existing for leaders in specific niche industries or audiences right now.
I thought this information would be relevant & helpful, so I am sharing it here.
If you are in one of these categories, then this is definitely NOT a time to be hesitating or procrastinating. There are real people… and lots of them who need and want what you have to offer right now. Seriously.
The entire world is sitting at home, passing the majority of their time ONLINE. Never before has there been a more captive (and bored) audience cruising the inter-webs as there is RIGHT NOW.
You could be reaching them with your courses, coaching, communities, membership, videos, podcasts and all the other things…
Below are some niche industries and topics that I believe could be a huge success during our current Coronavirus Lockdown. I believe they are all needed, wanted and will be gratefully received by your audience.
Your efforts to create Majik for these audiences and offer your expertise may just be a sanity saver or life-ring to the people you make it for. What a gift!
More than ever, the world needs you to Free your Majik & get your work online.
Here are the topics I believe can get a lot of traction right now:
Personal Growth, Meditation & Spirituality
People are sitting at home, undistracted by “normal life” and for many, that will be extremely hard. There are millions of people out there who could really use some tools and guidance to help them grow and evolve through this global transformation. Perhaps the transformational work you do, processes you facilitate or guidance you offer could be the answer for many. Helping people rise above the fear and confusion that is being blasted to us through the media, by tapping into our inner power & presence will be important for living through this pandemic. I am already seeing a big spike in the need for my online meditations.
Online Schooling for Kids
Hundreds of millions of youth out there are home for school, potentially for the rest of the year. From what I’ve heard, a lot of the schools and universities that are trying to bridge their work online aren’t doing the best job at making the content exciting or engaging. Their classes are boring, students are unengaged and the production quality is poor at best. Perhaps you, with your knowledge and creativity can revolutionize the educational system. Finally your chance! The kids are at home and their parents want their screen time to be productive learning time. Whether you teach english, science, life-skills or any number of other subjects, now is your chance to shine your brilliance and teach thousands of youth.. or potentially even entire continents of kids. Whoa!
Parenting-related Courses
Parents are stressed and overwhelmed. Many are out of work, with the same old bills to pay. They have ZERO access to support or childcare too. Tensions may be running high around the house (which is nobody’s fault). Single parents out there, I especially feel for you right now! And with all this being said, offering a helping hand to parents, giving them tools to manage their emotions, work with the emotions of their kids and create conscious, new ways of relating to their children. Or teaching them activities, games or projects they can do WITH their kids as a way to bond, connect and forget about this whole Global Lockdown for a few hours… There is so much help needed for parents right now and perhaps you have a set of tools or skills that could be of massive service to them!
“Hello partner/husband/wife who I never see because I’m always at work or at my other hobbies. Wow, we sure aren’t getting along in this whole lockdown situation. You drive me nuts!”How many couples are in that situation right now? Sooooo many! If you are a relationship coach with a unique and powerful process, get that shit out there before the divorce rate skyrockets as high as our current unemployment rate. Especially for all of those couples with kids out there, whose kids depend on them to be stable, steady and dependable during these uncertain, chaotic, stressful times. Entire generations of families depend on your services and knowledge right now, so don’t procrastinate and get out and help.
Fitness, Body Movement & Yoga
The human body is not meant to sit on the couch 16 hours/day and then lay in a bed the other 8. So please, for the love of the human body, make your at-home-workout videos! If you are a fitness coach, body-movement, dance or yoga teacher… this is your time to share what you know and love about movement and the human body. With all movement classes cancelled across the globe, for God-knows how long, you are more needed than ever before to get us off our worried butts and drive some dopamine through our bloodstream so we can be happy, healthy, strong and energized through our lockdown.
Hobbies & Art-based Courses
People are bored at home right now looking for something to do. There are definitely a lot of folks who’d love to pass the time learning an instrument, or a new kind of art, or working on a craft project or some other fun thing. So if you have skills & knowledge in any art-based or hobby-related areas, then I guarantee there are people out there who’d love to learn what you know. Days can get long when we’re locked in a house. Go share your Majik and get people creatively inspired to pass the time doing something they enjoy!
Homesteading, Growing & Preserving Food (Self Sufficiency Stuff)
I don’t know about you, but I am extremely concerned about food security. My family and I started working on a 2000 square foot garden plot to grow a ton of food this year. And like the majority of other people around the world growing food for their first times, we’re a bunch of amateurs. We know the basics, but having guidance & inspiration would be useful. I bet there are so many people that would love to be inspired by your homesteading and food-growing skills. This is your time farmers, builders and Earthy people, to finally cash in on the internet and spread your knowledge far and wide like seeds blowing in the wind.
Online Courses, Marketing & Business
A bazillion people are currently without work. Which means half of those people are trying to figure out how to make money on this thing called “the internet.” If you are a leader with wisdom, skills, experience and a good track record of helping people make money or launch businesses, courses & online brands, then step up and offer your help. There are a lot of people who need support in learning the ins-and-outs of building a value-based business online. And if you don’t do that, send those people to us at 😉
Note: I am not promoting a “get rich quick approach” by preying on people who are living through desperate, difficult times. This article speaks to an opportunity for your gifts to shine and provide a deep level of service to the people who need you most right now. They are out there!
There are so many other opportunities, industries and topics to create courses, content & memberships for at the moment, but these were the ones that were most top-of-mind for me.
Are you in any of these categories?
What do you need to do to get your work out the door ASAP?
What other industries or opportunities do you see?